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The Ministry of Taxes awarded Qartal Construction Company with the Certificate on the status of “Tax transparent partnership”

The Ministry of Taxes awarded Qartal Construction Company with the Certificate on the status of "Tax transparent partnership"


The Ministry  of Taxes  gave  to  very  limited  number of companies the  status  of “Tax transparent  partnership” on the  basis  of  the  Order of  the  Republic  of the  President dated to 04th August 2016 on “ Approval  of  “Directions  of  reforms to applied  in the  field  of  taxation during 2016 and  improvement  of  tax  administration ” and  Qartal Construction Company  is  one  of  the  companies  acquiring  this status since 09.02.2017. This  means that, the  Ministry  of  Taxes analyzed and  approved Qartal  Construction Company  as exemplary  taxpayer  and gave Green  Corridor  to Qartal Construction Company in relationships  with tax  authorities.     

As  per  amendments  to  legislation only taxpayers who meeting the criteria indicated below are considered as taxpayers operating on the basis of tax transparent partnership:

  1. paying taxes in full and on time;
  2. submitting tax reports during a period specified in the Tax Code;
  3. providing a correct declaration on the number of persons involved in the implementation of works in accordance  with economic field where they operate and actual wages;
  4. carrying out accounting in accordance with international or national standards;
  5. having an enhanced electronic signature and preferring to carry out correspondence in electronic form;
  6. not accepting and submitting (not engaging in commodity-less transactions) false documentation (including strict reporting documents);
  7. not being a subject to criminal prosecution for an economic crime over the last 3 years

For  keeping  the  status  of  Tax  transparent  partnership Qartal Construction Company will continue its  policy to  follow the rules  and  legislation and transparent  tax  paying  policy in future.