azen +994 12 585 11 56 Baz ert - Cümə 09:00 - 18:00 Azərbaycan Az-5011, Sumqayıt şəh., 48 məh.,


was awarded with Honored Diploma of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Qartal Construction Company


Qartal Construction Company

Licenses and Certificates
Out Targets

Qartal Construction Company

Qartal Construction Company is one of the leading construction companies in the field of height works. The main principals of our architectural design are to achieve working atmosphere, and make the place more comfortable for the working staff. Thanks to our hardworking personnel number of modern and contemporary buildings constructed by our company is increasing with every passing year.

Azerbaijan government and the international organizations awarded company with different licenses and certification.

The main field of activity of the company is construction-installation and radio installation works of special-purpose facilities, military facilities and telecommunication facilities. The appointment of the projects implemented by Qartal Construction Company in the last years covers the area stated below:

Fields of activity

Qartal Construction Company has  big  experience in construction  of  important  governmental establishments of special-purpose. But  due to confidentiality detailed  information  on this  project cannot be  disclosed. 

Construction of military establishments

Qartal Construction Company  has  big  experience  in construction of  military  establishments. But  due to  confidentiality the detailed information on  this  project cannot  be disclosed. 

Construction of base stations of mobile communication

Qartal Construction Company  conducts  supply  and  installation of  tower, container, power  supply and  other  infrastructure. 

Supply of radar equipments and construction of radar tracking systems, construction of radar site infrastructure

Qartal Construction Company’s  radar engineers  attended different  trainings  in Terma and Furuno companies  in Denmark and  obtained  the  relevant  certificates. 

Construction of kindergartens, schools and other establishments of social assignment

Qartal Construction Company mainly takes  into consideration the  unique norms  of  material-technical  supply, general  sanitary-hygienic requirements, normative supply of  student  places while  construction  of  kindergartens, schools and  other  establishments  of  social assignment.  

Construction of office, villas, trade centers

Qartal Construction Company implements construction, repair and  design  of  office,  villa, house, building and  trade center. 


Herein,  some part of ongoing  and  completed  projects performed by Qartal Construction Company  are  given:

Human Resources

The main value of Qartal Construction Company is its professional staff.  While establishing personnel policy of the Company the management prefers  ability of the workers to increase their professionalism constantly and  to use the most advanced technologies.  The main part of the personnel consists of construction specialists, radio installation specialists, riggers working at height, as well as the staff dealing with management and implementation of different projects.

About Qartal Construction Company and staff

Customer recommendation

  • I would like to thank on behalf of BP’s SCPX project the Gartal team for their role in this project. The management of the SCPX project have been following this project very closely over the past months and are very pleased with the outcome.
    Good luck for the remaining work on the project.

    Colin Douglas
    Information Technology and Services (IT&S) GPO IT&S Programme Manager Shah Deniz 2 / SCPX